Eigen Labs ∞ Rio Network

Accelerating Open Innovation


The Rio Development Inc. team (contributors to the Rio Network) is joining Eigen Labs (contributors to the EigenLayer protocol).



The Rio team has a combined 75+ years of crypto experience and a proven track record of scaling products, growing communities, and developing institutional infrastructure. This industry experience is critical as Eigen Labs continues to evolve from research to growth.


The code and intellectual property is separately being acquired from Rio Network by the Eigen Foundation and will be open sourced as a reference implementation in the EigenLayer ecosystem to better support new and developing LRTs.


Learn more about EigenLayer, check out the docs, and join the community on Discord and Discourse. For more information, follow along on Twitter and Youtube. If you want to help build the future of open innovation, we are hiring!

The Rio Network testnet, Discord, social channels, and website will be shut down. Rio documentation and Github will remain open source.

Last updated